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 Love God, Love Others, Serve 



We are a friendly and caring group of believers who desire to live out our faith in Jesus Christ in a way that will help others to know and trust Him.

We make a priority of Bible centered preaching and teaching, authentic loving relationships, proclaiming the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ, and Spirit-filled and Spirit-led worship.
We hope you will come and join us in worship sometime soon. We look forward to having you as our guest.

What to Expect


When you arrive simply enter the front double doors. At the top of the stairs, before you enter the sanctuary is where we meet for our Coffee Fellowship at 10:00 am. Our service begins promptly at 10:30 am and you are welcome to sit anywhere you like.

We encourage you to bring your Bible and follow along with the message. If you forget one, simply look in the seat pocket and feel free to use the one you find there. If you need a Bible, feel free to ask and we will give you one at no cost as our gift to you.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

What We Believe


We are a member congregation of the Evangelical Free Church of America, an association of autonomous churches united around ten historic evangelical theological convictions.  



To listen to or download the latest sermons from Pastor Chris, click on the link below, or click on the Sermon tab on the top right of this page.

Image by Sara Kurfeß

Upcoming Events


Dear Family and Friends,

We will continue to meet on Sunday at 10:30am until prudence demands otherwise. Please use common sense when attending any gathering. If you or someone in the home are sick, please stay home. Wash your hands regularly and limit contact to your comfort level. 


We continue to offer our Coffee Fellowship at 10:00 Am and Children's Church during the service at 10:30 am. So please bring your kids and enjoy worshiping together as a family.

For those not able to attend, we will have our Sunday Service available online. Click on the sermon tab on this site, or on our Facebook page under Evangelical Free Bible Church.

I encourage you to pray for our local, state and federal officials as they make critical decisions for our communities (1 Tim 2:1-2). Just as importantly, continue to walk by faith, trusting God in all things (Prov 3:5-6), knowing He is sovereign over ALL things (Col 1:16-17) for He is our Refuge (Psalm 46).


Serving Together,

Pastor Chris




Sunday Services


10:00 AM - Coffee Fellowship 

10:30 AM -  Family Worship

Wednesday Services


We offer our Release time Program for kids from K-6th Grade from 3-4pm


We offer Youth Group for teenagers from 7-12 Grade from 6-8 pm.


For more information on both of these opportunities please click on the Youth and Children tab on the top right of this page.

How To Find Us

Click on the image below to get a map to our location.  

We invite to join our mailing list and receive emails we send out with news or special service schedules

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Contact Us

Phone - (605) 279-2867​

Email -

Address - 330 W 4th Ave, Wall, SD 57790

Mailing - PO Box 334, Wall, SD 57790

Find us on Facebook: Evangelical Free Bible Church

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